First Supercomputer

world's first supercomputer

today, computer is most important essential commodities  in our daily life. But you ever thought about supercomputer. how it looks like and how it works.
i am going to relate you with world's first supercomputer CDC-6600

Samour Roger Crey was an american electrical engineer and architect. He designed a seris of computers at Control Data Corporation (CDC) to use innovative designs and parallelism to achieve superior computational peak performance. From starting of supercomputer age 1954 to 1970  many supercomputers ware invented like  the 1954 IBM NORC,the 1960 UNIVAC LARC,and the IBM 7030 Stretch and the Atlas, both in 1962. In 1960, Cray completed the CDC 1604, one of the first solid-state computers, and the fastest computer in the world at a time when vacuum tubes were found in most large computers.

In  1960 Cray thought to design a fastest computer in the world by a large margin. After 4 year of experimentation along withDean Roush and Jim THornton and other 30 engineers Cray completed the CRC 6600 in 1964. Seymour Cray demonstrate  CDC 6600 all over world ,which is generally considered the first supercomputer
